Social Responsibility


Part of our Firm ethos at XB4 is that we cannot live in this world with the sole goal of taking. It is impossible to ignore the imbalances that exist in the world, or the fact that humanity is all connected. If we have learned anything from recent events related to Covid-19, it is that

  1. All human life is valuable, regardless of country of origin, or color of skin,
  2. This world is deeply connected, and if there is suffering in one part of the world, it is no longer acceptable to ignore, and
  3. Relying on non-governmental organizations and/or intermittent support of individuals is not sufficient, and cannot fully address the grave needs that exist.

At XB4, we believe there is a solution, but it requires corporate responsibility and participation.

From the outset, it has been our mission to give back to the communities in which we work and live. A corner stone of our business model is to earmark a portion of income generated, devote some of our time, and to use our knowledge to benefit those around us and humanity at large.

Ways in which XB4 is making an impact locally and internationally:

  • Direct contribution to Charities helping those in need. 5% of income is dedicated to local and international organizations who are helping others in dire conditions, including the Red Crescent organization. Causes supported – emergency needs, feeding the needy, support of needy families. If you as a business or individual are interested in pledging support to the Red Crescent organization, please visit their website Emirates Red Crescent
  • Teaching a man to fish. At XB4, we have launched a mentoring program to provide training and experience to fresh graduates. Experienced staff at XB4 volunteer their time to help new graduates understand the ins and outs of working in the profession and gain first-hand experience in the field. This experience will hopefully give them an advantage when entering the work force as well as good exposure and training in the field.
  • Knowledge is power. The reality of the world today is that many businesses are forced to cut costs where they can. Part of this has meant down-sizing important divisions such as Financial and Accounting departments. To help all business keep abreast of the changes in regulations and tax requirements, XB4 offers free monthly webinars to all local businesses and entities. This service is not just open to clients, but to the business community at large.